ICCCF 2013

ICCCF 2013, 25-28 August 2013, Hong Kong

Distinguished Keynote Speaker: Dr Russell G. Smith, Principal Criminologist, Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC), Immediate Past President, Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology Inc.

Bio of Dr Smith: Dr. Smith has extensive experience in criminal justice research, including the publication of 7 authored, co-authored or edited books, 20 reports / monographs and over 100 other publications. He has also given presentations for over 200 conferences or seminars locally and internationally. Dr. Smith’s main research interests relate to financial crime including identity crime and money laundering, technology-enabled crime, professional regulation and history. His principal books are Cyber Criminals on Trial (Cambridge University Press 2004, jointly authored); Crime in the Professions (Ashgate Publishing 2002, edited); Electronic Theft (Cambridge University Press 2001, jointly authored); In Pursuit of Nursing Excellence (Oxford University Press 1999); Health Care, Crime and Regulatory Control (Hawkins Press 1998, edited); Crime in the Digital Age (Federation Press / Transaction Publishers, 1998, jointly authored) and Medical Discipline (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1994). In addition to his work for the AIC, Dr. Smith chairs the Victoria Police Human Research Ethics Committee. He is a Fellow of the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne, a Member of the Fraud Advisory Panel in the UK, and is involved in a number of academic editorial boards and committees. He is Honorary State Correspondent of the Selden Society in England and was previously a non-medical practitioner member of the Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria. Between 2002 and 2008 he was Academic Adviser to the Criminology Research Council. He has received numerous awards including the John Barry Medal in Criminology from the University of Melbourne in 1982. Dr. Russell G Smith’s brief profile.

Dr Smith’s abstract: “Trajectories of CyberCrime”

Drawing on the famous observation of George Santayana in The Life of Reason (1906) that ‘those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it’, this paper provides an opportunity to reflect on how cybercrime has developed and how the cybercrimes of today could have been avoided or lessened in their impact had decision-makers been aware of developments in the past and been willing to act on them. The paper also identifies the success stories in cybercrime control which demonstrate how those who have learnt from the past, have achieved success in reducing the effects of cybercrime today. Finally, the paper examines the likely trajectory of cybercrime in the years ahead and identifies ways in which future risks might be minimised. It is concluded that technological developments have indeed, fostered criminality, and that those responsible for designing-out crime in new products have failed to understand fully the attractions that technology offers for those suitably motivated to commit crime in the digital age.

Keynote Speaker: Ms. Sarah Cook, Senior research analyst at Freedom House, New York City, USA

Ms Sarah Cook’s bio: As a senior research analyst at Freedom House, Ms. Cook has gained extensive expertise regarding internet freedom, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region. She has served as Assistant Editor for three editions of the Freedom on the Net project, an index that tracks internet freedom around the world, and is part of the editorial team producing the China Media Bulletin, a weekly news digest of media and internet freedom developments related to the People’s Republic of China. Ms. Cook is regularly interviewed by the press regarding human rights, media, and internet freedom developments in the Asia-Pacific region, and is the author of several articles and an upcoming book chapter examining internet freedom and cybersecurity. Her comments and writings have appeared on CNN, The International Herald Tribune, the Taipei Times, and elsewhere. Sarah’s brief profile.

Ms Sarah Cook’s presentation: “Cyber attacks and internet freedom: a global perspective”

This presentation will reflect on the intersection between cybercrime and internet freedom, examining how cyber attacks are posing an increasing threat to free speech, civic activism, and user privacy around the world. Drawing on the findings of Freedom House’s Freedom on the Net index assessing internet freedom in nearly 50 countries, the paper will review the various ways in which cyber attacks have been used to suppress government criticism, independent news dissemination, and civil society activism. It will also reflect on the unique challenge that cyber attacks pose compared to other threats to internet freedom, the trajectory of this phenomenon in recent years, and what actions may be taken to lessen the threat.

Opening Speech: Mr. Li Shu Pui. Head of Financial Infrastructure Development, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Mr Li Shu Pui’s abstract

The presentation intends to cover the recent development of retail payment initiatives of the HKMA. Firstly, we will develop a new regulatory framework for stored value facilities (such as e-money) and retail payment systems. Secondly, we are also facilitating the development of Near Field Communication ‘NFC’ mobile payments and working on a set of guidelines with the banking industry. Thirdly, we will launch an e-bill presentment and payment platform by the end of 2013.

Keynote: Mr Ramesh Moosa, Partner, PwC Hong Kong

Mr Ramesh Moosa’s bio: Ramesh has been a partner in the Forensic Services practice in China/Hong Kong since 2009. He also leads the Forensic Technology Solutions (FTS) team in the greater China region providing Cybercrime investigation services. Ramesh has accumulated over 18 years of experience working at PwC in Hong Kong, US and Singapore to provide investigations, IT forensics, IT audit, IT security and consulting services to multi-nationals, law firms, local and public sector organisations including regulators in the financial industry. Prior to joining PwC in 2000, Ramesh was with the Singapore law enforcement agency where he held various roles in the capacity of criminal investigations, technology management and data security.

Mr Ramesh Moosa’s abstract: “Changing the Game – Adopting a new Cyber Philosophy”

Information security has always been a high stakes game, one that demands a smart strategy, the right technology, and an unblinking focus on adversaries. Today, however, both the game and the opponents have changed. To win, businesses must play by new rules and bring advanced skills and strategy to the table. In this presentation, Ramesh will share key findings from The Global State of Information Security Survey 2013 and discuss a new Cyber Security Philosophy that companies should adopt to stay ahead of Cyber Threats in this information age.

Special Session by Mr Kok Tin GAN, Senior Manager, PwC Hong Kong

Mr Kok Tin Gan bio: Kok Tin is a Senior Manager in the Risk and Controls Assurance practice in Hong Kong. He is one of the key contributors in developing the Technology and Information Security team in Hong Kong, China and also coordinates various engagements across the Asia Pacific region. Kok Tin has worked in the US as well as the Asia Pacific region, largely working in the financial services sector and then followed by government and quasi government bodies, as well as the high-tech and gaming industry. He has more than 8 years experience covering: •Information security •IT governance •data loss prevention and security •ISO27001:2005 standards, ISO20000:2005 / ITIL standards •CMMI •Electronic Signature / Public Key Infrastructure management, threat and vulnerabilities management and “ethical” hacking services

Mr Kok Tin Gan’s Special Session Abstract: “Dialling up mobile security – transacting business in a mobile economy”

The use of mobile devices have skyrocketed, creating unprecedented risks for information security. Enterprises must be prepared to handle threats resulting from mobile malware, social media and cloud services. The widespread adoption of mobile technologies has begun to penetrate the enterprise causing single-impact applications to stand alongside enterprise access tools such as the Good App. This talk covers the current mobile context, emerging trends, and mobile security in the enterprise. The 5 pillars of mobile security will be introduced and explained as well as the areas of focus every company should keep in mind considering enterprise mobility and compliance.


Organising Committee of ICCCF 2013

Honorary Conference Chair: Prof. Peter Grabosky, Australian National University, Canberra , Australia.

Prof. Grabosky is a prominent academia on computer related crime, ‘CyberCrime’, researching and publishing numerous books and journal articles on ‘CyberCrime’. Prof. Grabosky’s recent books include: ‘Lengthening the Arm of the Law’ (with Ayling and Shearing) (Cambridge University Press 2009); ‘Electronic Crime’ (Pearson Prentice Hall 2007); and ‘Cyber Criminals on Trial’ (with Smith and Urbas) (Cambridge University Press 2004). The latter book won the Distinguished Book Award of American Society of Criminology’s Division of International Criminology. Prof. Peter Grabosky’s brief profile.

Local Organising Committee Advisor: Dr. Karl Leung

Dr. Leung is recognised as an international expert on Generating Software Systems from Data Flow Diagram (DFD). Dr. Leung has invented the world’s most accurate mobile phone positioning method. With 1.1 million sets of real life data covering different kinds of terrains in Hong Kong, the accuracy of Dr. Leung’s mobile phone positioning method, on average is 50 meters, and 64 meters for 67% of the time. (US FCC E-911 requirement is 100 meters for 67% of the time.) Dr. Leung and his team have implemented this research result in a Location Server and have deployed the Location Server to a major mobile phone operator in Hong Kong. Dr. Leung’s brief profile

General Co-Chairs:
Ray Cheung, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Oliver Choy, Chinese University of Hong kong, Hong Kong

Program Chair:
K P Chow, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Vice Chair: Lennon Chang, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Local Arrangement Chair:
Laurie Lau, Convener

Publicity Co-chairs:
Hilton Chan, Hong Kong University Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Paul Liu, Chong Hing Bank (Financial Related Institution Chair), Hong Kong
Sara Zhong, (Asia-Pacific Chair), Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Laurie Lau, Convener, Rest of the World

Conference Treasurer:
Ms. Jade Cheung, (UGC), Hong Kong

Sponsorship Chair:
Laurie Lau, Convener

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