Special issue at “Police Practice & Research: An International Journal”

Also ICCCF2017 Gold Coast, Australia is confirmed that there is a Special Issue with Police Practice and Research: An International Journal. This is a Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) international journal, which all papers will be putting through an anonymous peer to peer review processes: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/gppr20/current

For consideration of this special issue journal, especially submission on cyber-policing and/or prevention (policy), author(s) must submit a long abstract of no more than 3 pages of A4 size, 1.5 lines spacing (max. 1,500 words in length) on PdF format through social science stream, with abstract, methodology and a brief outline of the conclusion. The abstracts will be accepted on that basis with the final papers (max. 8,000 words in length, excluding references etc…) due at the end of September/October 2017 for peer review. Author must register and attend the conference in person to present the paper. No abstract will be accepted that has more than 3 authors. In the case of 3 authors, at least 2 authors must register and attend in person at the conference. In the case of 2 authors, at least one must register and attend in person at the conference.

[btn text=”Submit Papers” tcolor=#FFF bcolor=#251758 thovercolor=#FFF link=”https://www.apatas.org/icccf-2017/icccf-2017-call-for-paper/” target=”_self”]


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